Friday, September 9, 2016

The Power of a Smile

After being in the hospital for a few days one begins to feel like an animal in the zoo. Doctors, nurses, CNA’s and other hospital staff continually file in and out of your room. They take your blood pressure, clean your floors, or get your lunch. They come in to check your food and water, go through their checklists, and make sure you’re not dead. Don’t get me wrong, they always act in a professional manner, but they always seemed rushed. I can understand that; working at a hospital can be hectic. But when I was 19 years old and having surgery in Washington D.C. I learned how powerful a quick smile can have.

This lesson came from one of my nurses. The first time I met her she approached me with a big smile on her face and told me she "got lucky and was assigned to me." Her smile conveyed to me kindness and what was more, her actions told me she was genuine. With time that smile came to mean so much to me. Not because it looked different from others, rather it conveyed an unspoken promise of kindness. Her smile was a pledge of patience, and a commitment of care.

           I learned that the power of a smile has nothing at all to do with aesthetics. Power comes from one’s character; who one truly is. A smile is simply a short, quick demonstration and reminder to others of who we really are. The full power associated with a smile comes through consistent acts of charity. The smiles that mean the most are always associated with individuals we love and respect. I learned that the power of a smile comes from a trust in another's consistency of kindness. Though our days may be busy, we always have time to show kindness to those around us.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. A smile and showing kindness to others can make a big difference in not just that moment, but for the rest of their lives.
